Practice Profile Form Tell us about your practice! Sales Rep * Email Address * Clinic Name * Owner Name * Signing Physician * Title * Title * DPM MD DO PA NP NPI # * Specialty * Key Clinic Contact * Email * Phone Number * Address * Number of Locations * Number of Doctors (including mid-level) * Payor Mix: What percentage is Commercial? * Payor Mix: What percentage is Medicare (Part B)? * Payor Mix: What percentage is Tricare? * Payor Mix: What percentage is Advantage? * How many Total Patients does the Practice treat per month? * How many Medicare (Part B) Patients does the Practice treat per month? * What percentage of your Medicare Patients have Supplemental Plans? * Who handles your billing? * Who handles your billing? * In-house Outsourced to a third party Are you currently doing Wound Care in your clinic? * Are you currently doing Wound Care in your clinic? * Yes No If yes, are you using Skin Subs (Amniotic Membrane)? * If yes, are you using Skin Subs (Amniotic Membrane)? * Yes No If yes, what Skin Sub Manufacturer(s) have you used? * If yes, how many Medicare Wound Patients do you treat per month? * How many new Medicare Wound Patients do you treat per week? * Radiant Presentation Request (Please provide 3 DATE/TIME options.) * Others attending Zoom meeting (Please provide their first & last name, title and email.) * 5 + 10 = Send