Advanced Wound Care

90+% Wound Healing Rate

Decreased Lower Extremity Amputation

Superior Wound Care Documentation

Cost Savings

Increased CMS Facility Ratings

We Handle the Billing


“The addition of our WBRx Biologics division has been a game-changer. It has expanded the company’s footprint to help people heal wounds faster and save lives. It is amazing to wake up every day and see the significant difference we are having for individuals and families.”

Mitchell Holzer

“When our CEO and Founder, Barry Cocheu, first mentioned our new partnership and expansion into Wound Care, I immediately became very excited about a new opportunity to help people in even more ways. We started with pain, anxiety, and sleeping and now we can help prevent infection, loss of limb, and even death.  The testimonials are truly heartwarming, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it!”

Olga Chapman

“I have seen a demonstration of the app and it is quite intuitive to use—much more advanced than apps previously on the marketplace. The bottom line is it is a high-tech approach to precision wound care management complete with documentation.  This app assists in increasing wound healing rates, documentation, improved patient outcomes, and overall cost savings.”

Sarah Davison

Interested in hearing more? Contact us today!